Working in Partnership

 In News

School life continues, as we enter the 6th week of the current lockdown. Our students and staff have shown tremendous resilience in both the streaming of lessons and completing work. We have been superbly supported by the local community, but 3 organisations in particular have gone above and beyond during the crisis. Firstly, Leyburn Rotary Club have worked tirelessly to help us with laptops and devices. In addition the Jessica Bethell Foundation, a charity to raise awareness of Meningitis, has donated a significant amount of money which has allowed us to purchase yet more laptop devices and importantly fund some 1:1 mental health support for our students. During this pandemic most mental health services have switched to offering telephone or video contact. For our most vulnerable students, this is not ideal as our young people, at times of crisis, are less likely to engage through these formats. CAMHs has a very long waiting list, so we knew it was essential to find a different approach. With the funding from the Jessica Bethell Foundation, we’ve managed to source and arrange for face-to-face contact in school from Embrace4Support.

Our deepest gratitude to everyone involved and will ensure we use the resources wisely, to support those most in need.

Continuing on a supportive theme, the department for Education has made a grant to all schools, so we can purchase and distribute sanitary products to our girls in need. This week I have placed an order for over £280 of products, which we will deliver to students after half term. I am pleased that the government has allowed us to support our female students in this way.

Finally, 9 Feb was Internet safety day. As we seem to spend our whole lives online these days, it is a timely reminder that we do need to be sensible when online. 3 useful sites offer some additional guidance, which we have shared with our students through tutor time.

A video ‘Who can you trust online?’:
Internet safety quiz:
Other useful resources:

Julia Polley, headteacher of Wensleydale School and 6th Form